Professional Clients

Since Spain joined the EU the volume of Anglo/Spanish commerce has increased significantly.

Most professional advisers will receive instructions from time to time on cases involving Spain and will be all too familiar with the difficulties of obtaining prompt, reliable and lucid advice on questions of Spanish law.

We advise and assist professional clients particularly in the following circumstances:-

  • Where the case exclusively involves questions of Spanish law.
  • Where an opinion is required on a question of Spanish law which is merely incidental to a case involving wider issues.
  • Where questions of Spanish law arise which cannot be determined in isolation without having a detailed knowledge of the client’s affairs based in turn on a long-standing professional relationship. In such cases the advantages of involving the client’s usual lawyer or accountant are considerable. Much time can be saved collaborating with them on complex technical questions (such as conflict of laws, jurisdiction, residence and domicile) before advising on the position under Spanish domestic law.

We are pleased to accept referrals or instructions from other professional advisers. A very significant percentage of the work we undertake is on behalf of lawyers and accountants.